Women and Politics

As of April 2018, I have served as the Director of National Education for Women's (NEW) Leadership™ at the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP), a unit of the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers, the state University of New Jersey. 

In this position, I oversee the NEW Leadership™ national development network. This is a network of programs in over 24 states using the NEW Leadership™ model to educate and train college women to become political leaders and engaged members of their communities. I also coordinate and facilitate the annual NEW Leadership™ flagship summer institute in New Jersey. Additionally, I manage the NEW Leadership™alumnae network, connecting NEW Leadership™alums to each other and to opportunities that  help them continue their careers as successful leaders and public servants. 

I work on and assist with other CAWP programs and initiatives as well, with a particular focus on young women's leadership initiatives such as Teach a Girl to Lead and our partnership with the Girl Scouts of the USA. As a Women and Politics researcher, I also represent CAWP at panels and events.

For more information on CAWP initiatives such as NEW Leadership please visit the Center for American Women and Politics website here